Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mister Noobs Turns Two

Our little Anubis turns two on 11/18/09

it feels like we just got him yesterday. tear. growin up so fast.

Fast approaching a standstill

Why does it always seem like you're either being whisked forward at breakneck speeds, or turtle crawling through some insomniac sticking second hand, faucet dripping microcosmic bore.
Life's either changing the rules of the game in a split second penalty shot, or dragging out the inevitable through nine innings of one sided dumping.
Sigh. The inevitable. The inevitabillity of the inevitable. The staggering outcome of the trivial. If hindsight is 20/20 then my farsightedness must be covered by glaucoma. The choices i make in daily life affect only the daily. There's never an approaching deadline; a nail biting concern of outcome. Small choices lead to small circumstance, and thereby ripple softly.
My pond is so placid you could paint on it. The only time i look past tomorrow is to consider which car i might buy next. And so the mundaity is enacted; the persecution of change. The trivial outcome of the staggeringly trivial. Sigh.
When i'm driving and people pull out in front of me, i dont slow down. When a car cuts me off at an interesection i keep going. A wrecked car is almost a welcomed change. Or perhaps i just really want a new car. Sigh again. It's probably the latter. :)